Molo | Student Research | 2018-2019

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#Research TitleAuthorsProgram/Cluster
1Assessment of Teaching Competence: Instructor’s Approaches towards Marine Engineering Irregular Students at JBLFMU-MoloMiraflor, J.P., Nemiada, J., Nieles, C.J., Ortega, F.R., Pachejo, M., Pasuelo, D., Quimba, J., Ras, J.I.N/A
2Mapols FarmDe Leon, A., Alegroso, L.A., Are, L.C., Bolivar, C.M., Facinal, C.J., Gabinete, J., Hallara, J.M., Lopez, T.J., Paguntalan, T.M., Pamplona, Q., Ramirez, H.J., Retotar, T.P., Santiago, S.C., Silva, M.JN/A