JBLFMU Molo with DOST & NEDA collaborate on Funded Project

Design and Development of Desalination Plant Powered by Solar Energy in Unisan Island, Guimaras, Philippines

This project is anchored on the Renewable Energy Act of 2008 (R.A No. 9513). This Act affirms the Philippine government’s commitment to accelerating the utilization of renewable energy (RE). The utilization of solar energy will enable the operation of a Fresh Water Generator to produce potable water for the residents of Unisan Island, Nueva Valencia, Guimaras, Philippines.

This project focuses on SDG No. 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure—promoting innovation by designing a freshwater generator powered by solar energy. The new feature of this freshwater generator will enable the residents of Unisan Island to have potable water sourced from seawater.

This project is based on SDG No. 17: Partnership for the Goal, strengthening the means of implementation and revitalizing the global partnership for sustainable development. It involves collaboration with local manufacturers, the local government unit, and government agencies. The establishment of this type of freshwater generator will allow different stakeholders in the maritime university to collaborate and conduct studies focused on sustainable freshwater solutions for Unisan Island, Guimaras.