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February 20-22, 2019
Theme: “Harmonizing MET with STCW 2010 Requirements through Research
- The following parts must be included in the paper:
- Title Page
- Abstract
- Introduction (Background of the Study and Statement of the Problem/Objectives)
- Methods
- Results and Discussion
- Conclusion(s)
- Recommendations
- References
- The text must be readable and single-spaced throughout the whole paper.
- The title should not exceed 14 words.
- The Abstract should contain not more than 300 words.
- The recommended font size is 12 and the font style is Times New Roman.
- The Introduction must include the “what should be” or the ideal situation followed by the “what is the reality” or the existing condition which implies issues to be addressed capturing the rationale of conducting the research.
- The paper must be printed in a short bond paper using the portrait layout.
- The recommended margin is 1 inch each: top, bottom, left and right.
- Use the APA style format.
- Content – 35
- Completeness
- Accuracy
- Relevance
- Theoretical/Conceptual Basis
- Generates new question/cyclical in nature
- Structure and Writing – 35
- Articulation and progression of major components or sections of the paper
- Maintenance of overall theme or point that gives the paper coherence and significance
- Clarity, precision and conciseness of writing
- Accurate use of academic language
- Readability/ Mechanics/Referencing – 30
- Appropriateness of font size and print quality
- Understandability of words/phrases used
- Length of sentences
- Appropriate pagination, layout, and margins
- Typographical accuracy
- Consistency and appropriateness of citation style and use of headings
- Correctness in the attribution of sources through citations
- References listed in bibliography
Total Points – 100